To explore the world of play we are curating and creating a list of resources for teachers and students.

Hello! I’m Harshul Brahmbhatt, an Assistant Professor in the Toy-based Pedagogy Department at Children’s Research University. Welcome to my corner of the web, dedicated to the exciting world of play-based learning. Here, you’ll find resources and insights for teachers and students alike. Come, explore the magic of education through play with me!.
Workshops: I regularly conduct workshops for teachers as well as school students mostly on play pedagogy and assessment! You will find below a few slides from such workshops.
Slides on Playful assessment: PDF
Slides from Karakuri Workshop: Developing Mind and Igniting Thinking Through Toy Making

Research Presentation at Conferences
- At World Conference of International Toy Research Association, Rochester, USA, in August 2023 (Conference Website), I presented my research on “Assessing the Influence of Toys/Games Intervention on Children’s Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Abilities”

Contact INFO:
Address: Department of Toy Pedagogy, Children’s Research University, Subhash Chandra Bose Shikshan Sankul, Sector – 20, Gandhinagar, Gujarat- 382021
Email: hbbrahmbhatt(dot)toy(at)cugujarat(dot)ac(dot)in